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Certification in Designing Authenticity Circles(SM) Program Development

Leveraging the Power of Peers(sm)


1. Foundations of Action Learning (Peer Coaching) Groups
2. Facilitating Action Learning (Peer Coaching) Groups
3. Developing Action Learning (Peer Coaching) Programs


Participants can become certified in the developing the highly practical, Action Learning-based, Authenticity Circles(sm)peer coaching-group model. Certification ensures participants have solid competencies in developing peer coaching programs.

Benefits of certification include that Authenticity Consulting, LLC, will:

  • Place you in a peer coaching group along with facilitators and other program developers to ensure that you get at least five hours of highly focused feedback from others as you design and implement your peer coaching programs.
  • Help you market your program design expertise, including two hours of Authenticity Consulting's consultation to you, appropriate use of our intellectual property (marketing materials, web site information, guidebooks, etc.)
  • Vouch for your competency, including providing recommendations, where appropriate

Certification requirements include:

  • Successful completion of the prerequisite workshops
  • Providing an initial comprehensive, written, peer coaching program plan that addresses desired outcomes from the program and the design to achieve those outcomes, including design of facilitation and membership, methods to train members, guidelines for coaching, and methods to capture learning and evaluate the program in reference to the desired program outcomes
  • Implementation of the program plan with an actual client organization, including at least one Circle program (including initial training session, at least six peer coaching sessions, and a final closure/review session)
  • Program mid-point evaluation from the client organization (if applicable), Circle facilitators and members (they will be given evaluation criteria)
  • At least a five-page document that describes strengths and weaknesses of the program as based on feedback from the mid-point evaluation, and includes a plan for program improvement
  • Participation in a Circle of facilitators and program developers to work on implementation of the plan for improvement
  • Results of final evaluation by the client organization, facilitators and group members (they will be given criteria for evaluation)
  • Results of evaluation by Authenticity Consulting, LLC


  • $900.00 per participant for Authenticity's consultation and evaluation, participation in Authenticity Circle of facilitators and program developers, references from Authenticity, and appropriate use of Authenticity's intellectual property (marketing materials, web site information, guidebooks, etc.)

All costs for prerequisites and certification include:

To Enroll

  • Contact Authenticity Consulting, LLC, by calling 1-763-971-8890 or e-mailing us.
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