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Resources for Coaching and Action Learning Programs

Leveraging the Power of Peers(sm)

This Document Contains the Following Sections

Publications to Help You Learn About Action Learning

There is an increasing number of publications about the peer-based Action Learning process. The following books provide highly accessible and descriptive information about basics of Action Learning, its many applications and outcomes.

Action Learning: A Journey in Discovery and Development by Weinstein, London: HarperCollins, 1995. (Start with this book that provides a straightforward and even personable overview of the Action Learning process.)

Action Learning in Action by Marquardt, Davies-Black Publishing, 1999.
(Next read Michael's book that provides more focus on Action Learning programs designed to accomplish specific types of outcomes. Note that the national, Action Learning-based Leaders Circles(sm) program for nonprofits is described in this book. This program was designed by Authenticity's Carter McNamara.)

Action Learning: A Practitioner's Guide by McGill, I. & Beaty, L.London: Kogan Page, 1995. (Next read this book that can embellish Weinstein's and Marquardt's book, by including in-depth analysis of the components of Action Learning, skills required, training Action Learning and its use in professional, management and education development.)

Action Learning Guidebook by Rothwell, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1999.
(Bill adds particular focus on using Action Learning for individual and group development, problem solving and the often unmentioned focus of using Action Learning to actually design training programs. Many useful forms and checklists are included.)

Action Learning in Practice by Pedler, M. (Ed.), London: Gower, 1991.
(This is a wonderful anthology of different types of applications of Action Learning. It includes chapters from many Action Learning writers that provide many perspectives on many aspects of the Action Learning process.)

Action Learning: How the World's Top Companies Are Re-Creating Their Leaders and Themselves by Dotlich and Noel, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1998. London: Gower, 1991. (This book is probably most useful to those planning Action Learning projects in organizations that have a great deal of time and other resources to commit to the projects. The authors suggest use of professors and other experts in the Action Learning process, a suggestion with which many Action Learning practitioners might strongly disagree. Unfortunately, Reg Revans, widely considered the original author of Action Learning, isn't even mentioned in the book.)

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Publications to Help You Learn About Coaching

Coaching for Performance by Whitmore, Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2001. (This is very likely the most basic, yet comprehensive book that explains coaching, its nature and role, various major outcomes, the role of questioning and setting goals, etc. It's a fairly quick, yet very useful book for the beginner.)

Handbook of Coaching by Hudson, Jossey-Bass, 1999. (Once the reader has read Whitmore to get a basic sense of coaching, then Hudson's book is an excellent -- probably the only -- book that truly describes the profession of coaching, including the many types of coaching, and the various theories and movements which formed its foundations. Hudson also provides a comprehensive model of coaching for various forms of adult development. Extensive bibliographies are provided in each of the chapters.)

Co-Active Coaching by Whitworth, Kimsey-House and Sandahl, Davies-Black Publishing, 1998. (Describes the very popular Co-Active coaching approach taught by the Coaches Training Institute (CTI). One of the most approachable books that very fully describes coaching, how to do their model, how to set up a coaching practice, along with many tools and resources.)

Masterful Coaching by Hargrove, Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer, 2000.
(Hargrove describes how to begin coaching, particularly for development and performance in a business setting. Excellent for business coaching, particularly for supervisors to help subordinates to increase performance (or as Hargrove puts it, development.) Includes mini-exercises to help the reader get into the coaching mindset and begin practicing coaching in the workplace.)

Coaching: Evoking Excellence in Others by Flaherty, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999. (Flaherty's book expands on standard concepts in coaching, but in reference to his unique terminology and coaching process. Flaherty does an excellent job providing a comprehensive, philosophical basis for his model of coaching. However, his book may be best read after having read more basic books, for example, Whitmore's.)

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Some Organizations Focused on Action Learning

The reader would benefit from scanning the web sites of the following organizations, including by looking at how they describe Action Learning, links to research and articles, and links to related links.

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Some Organizations Focused on Coaching

It seems that there has been a recent dramatic increase in the number of coaching schools and organizations. The following are some major organizations.

The following list is of schools is by no means complete.

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Free, On-Line Resources for Coaching and Action Learning Programs

Authenticity Consulting, LLC, has compiled one of the largest on-line collections of free resources for Action Learning programs. We hope that it's useful to you!

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Major Action Learning-Specific On-Line Discussion Groups

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Major Coaching-Specific On-Line Discussion Groups

LinkedIn also has many groups focused on coaching. To access the groups, join LinkedIn and do a search in the group's directory.

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Other On-Line Groups About Training and Development Topics

Authenticity Consulting, LLC, has compiled an extensive list of on-line groups in regard to training and development topics. The following link will get you to that list.

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