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Authenticity Circles Peer Learning Programs:
Applications and Outcomes

Leveraging the Power of Peers(sm)

Where Action Learning and Authenticity Circles Work Well -- and Where They Don't

Authenticity Circles are a powerful and adaptable framework that be used in a wide variety of applications for peer learning. The framework can be used almost anywhere that people are meeting real-world challenges in their own unique and personal way, for example, solving complex problems, or reaching personal and professional goals. Action Learning literature often calls these types of challenges "problems".

Authenticity Circles and Action Learning are probably not useful in applications where everyone would meet a challenge in the same way, for example, building a computer room according to certain laws and regulations. There's only one way to meet that challenge and everyone would likely meet it in the same way. Action Learning literature often calls these challenges "puzzles."

Examples of Applications

The powerful Authenticity Circles and Action Learning framework can be modified for use in a wide range of applications, for example:

  • a free-standing program to develop skills in continuous learning (skills in reflection and inquiry), listening and consultation
  • a leadership, management or employee development program to ensure ongoing authentic participation, support and accountability among participants
  • a peer coaching program to quickly expand personal and professional coaching in a low-cost fashion across the organization
  • a peer training program to deepen and enrich one-shot trainings
  • means to ensure ongoing authentic participation, support and accountability in a large organization development project
  • means to solve complex problems by reframing the problems and taking ongoing actions toward resolution of the problems
  • means to ensure ongoing networking and support among executives and professionals

Authenticity Consulting, LLC, can customize peer learning programs to suit the needs and nature of almost any application. For example, the following applications are those most often requested from Authenticity Consulting.

appreciative inquiry skills development leadership development programs
burnout and renewal programs management development programs
coaching programs nonprofit management development
continuous professional education on-line Action Learning programs
continuous learning skills development organizational change projects
distance learning programs supervisory development programs
emotional intelligence skills development support groups
employee performance management team building
faculty development programs training programs

Outcomes from Authenticity Circles

Types of Outcomes

Outcomes might be defined as impacts on participants and their organizations in terms of enhanced knowledge, skills, attitudes and performance. The particular outcomes achieved from a program depend on the actual design the program and the various goals brought to the program by its participants. Typically, outcomes fall into five categories, including:

  1. Personal Development
  2. Management Development
  3. Leadership Development
  4. Team Building
  5. Organization Development

Typical Outcomes for Participants

It's common for participants to report substantially improved skills in listening, problem solving, sharing feedback, coaching, assertiveness and facilitation. Members also report improved motivation, productivity and team building. Because each participant continues to work on a current, real-world challenge in their life or work, there's often substantial progress toward problem solving and goal attainment in their life and work. Other outcomes depend very much on the particular application that organizations and individuals choose to apply peer coaching groups.

Examples of Specific Problems Worked On By Members of Programs

Members can work on almost any current real-world challenge as long as they are committed to addressing that challenge, have sufficient authority to do so and are committed to learning at the same time. For example, when someone or their organization:

  • Notices that materials from one-shot training sessions don't seem to really get used
  • Is faced with uncertainty about the future
  • Wants to go to the next level of leadership
  • Is facing a major reorganization
  • Isn't sure how to implement a new development program
  • Has tried to implement a new program, but can't seem to be successful
  • Needs to change the culture of the organization
  • Has very limited resources for training and development
  • Feels lonely and needs support

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