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Free Management Library

Free Management Library
One of the world's largest collections of free, online resources for organizations.

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Our Trainings Focused on Implementation and Follow-Through

We've learned over the years that, far too often, one-shot training sessions (presentations, seminars, etc.) are really not very useful. One-shot sessions can be great for impressing and inspiring others -- they can be great entertainment. But, far too often, they don't really produce any real and long-lasting learning. Many people are starting to realize this problem with one-shot trainings.

One-shot trainings can be improved! They can be integrated with the design of peer coaching groups in order to guarantee implementation and follow-through from training sessions. The groups ensure ongoing support, accountability and actions among learners to actually apply new information and materials from trainings. Learners learn from reflecting on their actions and exchanging ongoing feedback with others. After all, that's how adults learn!

We're the world leader in deepening and enriching one-shot training sessions by building in peer coaching groups. We build in these groups to each of our trainings.

Focus On Foundational, Nuts-and-Bolts Best Practices

Few people struggle because they haven't mastered the most recent and advanced concepts about a topic. Instead, people tend to struggle because they really haven't mastered those most basic and fundamental, best practices. That's why the "Dummies" and "Idiots" books are so popular now.

Focus On Foundational, Nuts-and-Bolts Best Practices

Our trainings focus on those foundational best practices about each of the following topics.