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  • "Perhaps for the first time in their professional lives they are able to relate their managerial styles (how to select objectives, evalute resources and appraise difficulties) to their own values, their own talents and their own infirmities." -- Reginald Revans, original developer of Action Learning
  • ".... learning ... consists mainly in their new perceptions of what they are doing and in their changed interpretations of their past experiences." -- Reginald Revans, original developer of Action Learning
  • "The split between body and mind, head and limb, is one thing; the division between thoughts and feelings, head and heart, is another." -- Ronnie Lessem, Action Learning practitioner, in "Action Learning in Practice"
  • "... you cannot change the 'system' unless you also change your 'self'." -- Reginald Revans, original developer of Action Learning
  • "We need to design, therefore, an organizational learning process that links analysis, prognosis, implementation, and testing, with a group of colleagues facing similar problems who will respect the personal experiementation and reconsideration that lies at the heart of the Action Learning process." - Bob Garratt, Action Learning practitioner, in "Action Learning in Practice"
  • "In our rapidly changing and confused Age of Unreason, which often places far more emphasis on hasty and unconsidered action than reflective learning, we are in grave danger of confusing leadership with expertise." -- John Morris, Action Learning writer, in "Action Learning in Practice"
  • "Of all the manifold needs that the different forms of learning must meet, surely the greatest is the need for leadership, rather than the need for acquiring stocks of established knowledge." -- John Morris, Action Learning writer, in "Action Learning in Practice"
  • "Through constant questioning, we see more clearly just who we really are, and what remarkable resources we have access to. We will also see more clearly what is really facing us, and we will become more capable of accepting and responding to change." -- John Morris, Action Learning writer, in "Action Learning in Practice"
  • "In giving our single-minded attention to ever-present reality, we can become capable of throwng light on the way forward and of leading through clear vision and simple warmth of heart." Revans
  • "Enhancing an individual's personal methods of coping with stresses of problem solving is far more important than training in problem-solving techniques, which is still necessary." -- Warwick Rowell, Action Learning writer, in "Action Learning in Practice"
  • "All learning is personal. The greatest barrier to change is not a lack of knowledge. We all know more than we know. It is our understanding that is the problem, not our ignorance. ... How else can we reinterpret out past to manage our future than through some form of Action Learning". -- Eric Schlesinger, Action Learning writer, in "Action Learning in Practice"
  • "Insofar as the aims of Action Learning are in solving problems combined with personal/organizationaldevelopment, learning how to learn is the real prize; it is one thing to solve the problems of the moment, whereas it is something quite different to learn how to deal with the unknown ones of tomorrow.
    -- Alan Lawlor, Action Learning writer
  • "These weaknesses in the application of the action research process require a new form and a new perspective on the process of planned change. The new form is called "action learning" and the new perspective is called the "learning organization". -- Cummins and Worley, "Organization Development and Change", p. 679.
  • "Given that effective practitioners invariably do better with a few basic ideas that touch a powerful nerve than with subtle and complex ideas that do not ..." -- John Morris, Action Learning writer, in "Action Learning in Practice"